Sunday, January 29, 2012

I joined the Evernight Publishing Family

This week was very exciting for me.  I applied for a position as an editor at Evernight Publishing.  After a couple of tests and some chatting I was thrilled to be offered the opportunity to work for the popular EPub company.  I am already hard at work on my first MS and loving it.

So there's my little bit of news I had to share.  Now I just find myself on my laptop even more, lol.  I'm either writing, editing, reading, FB stalking, Twittering, or chatting with my girl April London about her fabulous ideas for her books.

I have decided to join her in the early morning rising vigil at 4:30.  I must schedule my day so that I get a little bit of everything done.  I can't spend my whole evening working after getting home from teaching.  My hubby and 22 month old baby girl need lots of attention too!

I'm so excited to enter into this new chapter of my life and I just had to share that.

Thanks for stopping by.  Comments are always welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!! I'll have an early morning buddy!! Woo woo!! Congrats again on the position with Evernight!!! *sqquueeaallll* So awesome!

    Now... you have to remember... it's not stalking.... it's enthusiastically interested....
